Group Picture With San Diego Police Officers
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No Bullying Allowed At All (NBAAA), Inc.
The No Bullying Allowed Foundation is a movement that delivers an iconic message while at the same time raising awareness and encouraging community participation to stand against violence including suicide rooted from bullying.
By branding N.B.A. concept the focus is to symbolize the logo into action across the nation that values one's self esteem that provides healthy living practices abroad, and increases involvement in your community to bring about changes that save lives.
Our vision is to uphold the norm with style through media discussion and creative expression.
We are dedicated to getting everyone involved, student athletes, volunteers, mentors, teachers, etc.
We advocate making a difference and motivating what would be the at-risk to open up when in a crisis. We seek sponsoring for self-improvement with education programs, nutritional programs, and fitness. The core and purpose of these programs builds confidence and productivity.
Progress is met by filtering out situations that have victimized so many at the hands of bullying. We develop the momentum to combat this issue by creating a culture that is hip to steps that can be taken to intervene against bullying. We pivot parents in position to bridge this gap. We make resources accessible to aid and impact.